Rise of Tailwind!

Rise of Tailwind!


2 min read

Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework packed with classes that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup. Tailwind is highly customizable and makes your design easy to implement without putting too much effort into CSS. you can style your whole page without ever leaving your Html file. It comes with the most commonly used CSS property and the color pallets that are so easy to use.

Why Tailwind CSS?

when trying to make a design we all know it's pain in the ass to make it responsive, and sometimes CSS Behaves unexpectedly. Also coming up with a new name for every new class is the bigger task which should follow some type of naming convention. With all of this, I am spending a lot of time designing things correctly rather than working on important features. this is so time-consuming. Here comes tailwind to rescue us.


  • Tailwind comes with a lot of utility which are commonly used. All of these are highly customizable. we can easily override the default styles by introducing tailwind.config.js file in our project's root directory. that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.

  • A major advantage of using tailwind CSS is that optimization can be done using purge CSS. which can remove unused classes and decrease the file size.

  • It becomes easier to build complex a responsive layout as tailwind itself follows a mobile-first approach by default. Tailwind comes with default breakpoint for responsive designs which makes it easy to use.


  • the only disadvantage I have come across is that it makes your semantic file look ugly. But if we compare it to its advantages I think once you get a hang of it, it becomes easier to debug an overflowed class in HTML tags.