Next.js over plain React!

Next.js over plain React!


2 min read

Next.js is a framework created by Vercel ,an open-source based on Node js. Web technologies has came across server-side rendering using PHP then Client-side rendering using React and now back to its origin phase using Next js which provides the best of Both client-side and server-side rendering world.

why Next js?

React gave us the option for rendering your application on the client-side, but for that, It also requires more processing power on the client-side. Now to solve this Next js came into the scene which provides server-side rendering, static export, pre-rendering, and has many more nice features.

Next comes with its inbuilt page routing setup. which makes it more convenient to use. As if you want to create a page in react, you have to make a component and then add it to the router whereas in next you can simply add the page to the pages folder created by default for you.

Launch of Next.js 12

Vercel has launched Next's new version Next.js 12, which comes with a lot of cool features like:

  • Rust compiler: 3x faster refresh and 5x faster builds
  • React 18 Support: Next js12 supports new API in React18 such as suspense.
  • <Image/> component: auto resize and 20% smaller image size.
  • React Server component


Next js apps are fast, thanks to static sites and server-side rendering. It is well documented, tiny and easy to learn also development cost is low. On top of that Vercel provides a great environment for hosting your next apps on their platform which provides a lot of features especially for nextjs. so, with the growing front end tech space its a great choice to use best of both server & client side rendering using Next js.